CCR Group - ESG Climate Report 2020 - CCR
CCR Group - ESG Climate Report 2020

Drawing on its experience in risk management and its recognised scientific expertise in natural catas trophe forecasting, the CCR Group places the analysis of risks and opportunities related to climate change developments at the heart of its action and strategy.
Since the publication of its first ESG Climate Report in 2016 in accordance with Article 173 ( of the
French Act of 17 August 2015 on energy transition for green growth, the group has been committed to continuous improvement in integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into its activities and decisions.
This approach is applied in each of the group’s two entities:
- The Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR) which provides the French market, as part of the “Nat Cat” scheme and in the general interest, with State guaranteed coverage against natural disasters and other exceptional risks.
- Its subsidiary, CCR Re, which reinsures Life, Non Life and Specialty lines in France and in 80 countries worldwide.