CCR, a key player in risk prevention - CCR
Furthering past, present and future knowledge of natural risks.
Forty years after its inception, the effectiveness of the Natural Disaster compensation scheme, from an insurance perspective, no longer needs to be demonstrated. Priority must now be given to enhancing risk prevention with its direct impact on loss compensation. Backed by years of expertise, CCR aims to make a significant contribution to this new paradigm by developing greater solidarity among the territories and further strengthening the protection of civilian populations.
Providing information
CCR strives to provide a major portion of its knowledge base to its clients, the public authorities, prevention stakeholders and the general public.
- Two Internet portals have been implemented. The aim of these tools is to further the knowledge of natural disasters over the long term and also to provide the resources required to analyze the exposure of the territories to natural disaster risks.
- Aggregate loss experience indicators may be made available to risk prevention players for use in specific projects within the framework of a partnership agreement [Thau Basin Joint Association (SMBT), Aréas Insurance Company, the Communities of Municipalities of Pays de Lourdes and Vallées des Gaves)
- The reports made to insurers, government departments and local authorities disseminate and share the risk culture so that each player is able to understand the specificities of their territory and learn from past events.
and share the risk culture so that each actor is able to understand the specificities of his territory and to learn from past events. For more than 10 years, the CCR Cat Day has provided an opportunity to review the progress of the work and to bring together the players in the insurance, prevention and public authorities sectors.
Analyzing the effectiveness of prevention measures.
CCR uses the data it collects and the models it develops to assess the impact of prevention measures on natural disaster loss experience thereby measuring their effectiveness and fostering the application of best practices. One example of this is CCR's analysis of the impact of the reservoir lakes upstream from Paris during the Seine and Marne floods of January 2018.
Accompanying risk prevention players.
Beyond these applications, CCR's research and development efforts have enabled its teams to identify the most exposed territories, forecast or assess the adverse consequences of potential or real events and make significant progress in evaluating the effectiveness of prevention measures. In this manner, these efforts provide key information to risk prevention players when choosing and prioritizing the prevention measures or public arrangements that must be put in place.
Contribute to the reinforcement of the national prevention policy
Backed by its in-depth knowledge of the Barnier Fund, which it managed until December 31, 2020, and its expertise in the area of public prevention arrangements, CCR keeps the public authorities regularly informed of risk prevention developments in France. CCR has also consistently increased its presence on national and local prevention boards that include the Barnier Fund Management Board, the French Flood Commission (CMI), the Major Natural Risk Prevention Steering Committee (COPRNM), the Seine Plan Consultative Committee and more.