La finance verte et son impact sur le changement climatique - CCR

Green finance and its impact on climate change.


Report about the role green investments play in the asset portfolios of insurance companies. Interview of the Head of Financial Investments at the CCR Group. The latest natural disaster news in pictures.


Insurers at the forefront of green finance

The finance sector plays a key role in energy and ecological transition. Over the past few years, insurers have been focusing efforts on integrating environmental, social, governance and ecological criteria in their investment strategies.


Pierre Coumes, Head of Financial Investments – CCR

CCR is committed to progressively integrating environmental, social, governance and ecological criteria into their investment strategies. Pierre Coumes, Head of Financial Investments, provides some insight on the progress that has been made.


News in pictures
L'Actu catastrophes naturelles dans le monde en images

News in pictures takes another look at the earthquakes that struck the islands of Hawaii and Mayotte. We will also report on the storms that swept across the French mainland in May and June. CCR provides an estimate of the insured damages covered by France's Natural Disaster compensation scheme and then we will take a look at the ninth annual CCR Journée Cat conference.


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