Conference de presse BRGM/ CCR - CCR

BRGM/ CCR press conference: assessing the insured cost of a major earthquake in France

Actuality Image CCR


On November 18, 2016, at the time of their press conference, the French Geology and Mining Research Institute (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières - BRGM ) and CCR presented the preliminary results of their joint assessment of the insured cost of earthquake risk in France.

This study demonstrates that an earthquake disaster would generate costs of up to 8 billion euros for risks affecting residential buildings (individuals and local businesses) and for the simulated earthquakes that have been studied to date.

The assessment concerns damages covered by the Natural Disaster compensation scheme.

During the press conference, BRGM also presented its work on the history of seismic risk and seismic activity in the Antilles.


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