12ème journée

11ème journée







Topic of the 11th Journée CCR CAT :

Prevention and insurability of natural risks



Monday, June 15

2:00 pm


Introduction of the week by Antoine Quantin Chief Underwriting Officer - Public Reinsurance and Guaranty Funds, CCR

1982-2019 Natural Disaster Report (webconférence - 30 minutes)
Nathalie Orlhac, Geomatician - Project Manager, CCR
Jérémy Desarthe, Task Officer - Natural Risk Prevention, CCR

Tuesday, June 16

2:00 pm

  Loss Prevention Study (webconférence - 30 minutes)
Nicolas Bauduceau, Head of the Public Funds and Prevention Department, CCR

Georges Farah, Manager of Data Science, Actuarial Management & Procurement, CCR

Wednesday, June 17

9:00 am


Opening remarks by Pierre Blayau, Chairman of CCR


Modeling the impact of extreme weather events on the main vegetable crops in France by 2050
Dorothée Kapsambelis, Agricultural engineer, AgroCampus Ouest
David Moncoulon, Head of the Modeling and R&D Department – Cat & Agro, CCR



Agricultural risk management: What are the perspectives?
Jean Cordier, Professor at Departement economy, gestion, society (EGS), Agrocampus Ouest
Delphine Letendart, Agriculture Market Director, Groupama and Chairman Agricole Comity, FFA
Laurent Montador, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, CCR



Outstanding Thesis Award presentation by Antoine Quantin, Chief Underwriting Officer - Public Reinsurance and Guaranty Funds, CCR
Presentation of the thesis by the award winner


Seismic risk: Lessons learned from the Teil earthquake
Nicolas Taillefer, Pilote de la mission Retour d’Expérience du séisme du Teil, AFPS
Eric James, Head of Property & Casualty & Partnerships, PACIFICA



Development of hurricane risk in the French Overseas Territories by 2050
David Moncoulon, Head of the Modeling and R&D Department – Cat & Agro, CCR
Martine Veysseire, Ingénieur divisionnaire des travaux de la météorologie, Météo France



Prevention: What investments for what benefits??
Patrick Soulé, Deputy Director General for Risk Prevention, French Directorate General for Risk Prevention
Frédéric Jacquin, Chief Underwriting Technical Specialist, FM Global
Frédéric Gache, Chef du service Prévention des inondations, EPTB Seine Grands Lacs
Nicolas Bauduceau, Head of Public Funds and Prevention Department, CCR


Conclusion by Lionel Corre, Deputy Director, Direction Générale du Trésor

12:30 am   End of conference
Thursday, June 18
2:00 pm   Estimating seismic risk in France (webconférence - 30 minutes)
Corentin Gouache, Engineer – Geologist, GeoRessources laboratory, Nancy

Pierre Tinard, Senior Modeler - R&D - Technical Studies, CCR

Friday, June 19
2:00 pm   NAIAD project: Cost-benefit analysis of Nature-based Solutions (webconférence - 30 minutes)
Roxane Marchal, Cat Risk Analyst, CCR

David Moncoulon, Head of the Modeling and R&D Department – Cat & Agro, CCR


Videos of the week